Sky Tree Book FairOur Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits.
SkyTree Book Fairs is a nonprofit organization committed to family-friendly book fairs that let kids be
We believe that book fairs should not expose students to explicit content, but instead, nurture a love for
reading through wholesome, age-appropriate adventures. We serve schools and families by pre-
screening books and excluding literature that contains explicit content.
We believe that book fairs should not expose students to explicit content, but instead, nurture a love for
reading through wholesome, age-appropriate adventures. We serve schools and families by pre-
screening books and excluding literature that contains explicit content.
Volunteer for the Book Fair
Would you like to help us make the book fair a success?
Are you available during the week of May 20-24 to help staff the fair? Please let us know how you are able to help by filling out the volunteer form! |